Friday, May 21, 2010

Doping Forever

Doping ForeverTrailer for the movie "Doping Forever". English | Video | Training | DVD | 360MBIn this documentary the subject is believed to have taken no more than 500mg of an un-named steroid. It must be noted that the Dr who monitored the progress works for Anti Doping Denmark (so no bias here) The documentary is in Danish with English subtitles. It's not fantastic but worth a look if...

3D Abs

 3D AbsEnglish | Video | Training | XVID 720×480 | 140MB+122MB+58MB MICHAEL GRIFFITH PT, CSCS A physical therapist with physique in mind. Michael’s expertise and focus is performance analysis of athletes and fitness enthusiasts with an emphasis on core function and training. He hosts seminars across the country regarding the CTF principal and 3-D performance training.No more sit-ups....

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kai Greene | A New Breed, Vol. 1 | Overkill

 Incredible new documentary film about the intense and often mysterious Kai Greene as he follows up his monumental win at the 2009 Arnold Classic with preparation for his first appearance at the Olympia. Get an eye-opening look at the primal philosophies that power this champion English | Video | Training | 1:30:00 | 704 x 416 | 615 MB Downloadrapidshare Videos_-_Kai_Greene_Part_1.rar ...


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