Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bodybuilding Tutorial :: Dorian Yates - Blood And Guts

Bodybuilding Tutorial :: Dorian Yates - Blood And Guts 

DVDRip | 320x240 | AVI | DX50 960 kbps | 29.97 fps
693 MB110 MB * 6 file + 60 MB * 1 file | rar

The DVD starts off with Dorian Yates and a brief introduction, explaining his position as the world's #1 bodybuilder and introducing us to the intensity we are about to witness. By the time of the filming, Dorian had won The Mr. Olympia title four times, and would later go on to win it twice more, in 1996 and 1997 respectively. At the time of the video, Dorian had been training for 13 or 14 yrs at the time (since 1983) at Temple Gym in England and had been competing since 1985. His early contest history was good; at 226 pounds he was then spoken of as a future Mr. Olympia winner. By the time of the 1990 Night of Champions he was 235 pounds in and September of 1991, he placed second to the unbeatable Lee Haney in the Mr. Olympia Contest. The 1992 Mr. Olympia Contest marked Dorian's first win and the beginning of a streak. He then won between 1993-1995, and after a biceps tear in 1994, he still won. In 1995 he won again, as the heaviest man on stage.

In 13 years in bodybuilding, Dorian Yates gained 70 lbs of shredded mass.

Dorian's training was a unique style, of the high intensity variety created by Mike Mentzer. Each body part is trained every six days using a four day split. two days on, one day day off, repeat. HIT - blood and guts - that's what Dorian was all about. He performed one set with maximum intensity each exercise, and several warmup sets preceeding it, then one maximum set to failure and beyond. No ego lifting, no sloppy form. Dorian's form was textbook perfect, something which would normally prevent injury, but Dorian's high intensity made him victim of several injuries. Sometimes you can't have it all.

Dorian's training is included below, as well as pictures to go along with the description of his workouts

  • Incline Bench - 185, 225, 315, 405X6
  • Seated Press - 1,1, then his training partner does a set.
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes - 80, 110X8
  • Cable crossovers X 1
  • Seated Incline Curls (both arms at the same time)
  • Some stretching between sets
  • Cambered Standing Curls X2
  • Machine Curls (Single Arm) poor left biceps from the 1994 tear


  • Leg Extensions X1
  • Leg Press (PERFECT ROM) X1
  • Leg Extension X111 (last is heavy set)
  • Leg Press Over 1000 lbs X3
  • Hack Squats X11
  • Lying Leg Curls X1
  • Stiff Legged Deads w/ wraps X1
  • Single Leg Hamstrings Curls X1
  • Standing Calf Raises X11
  • Seated Calves X1


  • Seated PulloversX111
  • Machine Pull ins X11
  • Bent Over Barbell Rows X11 (with 4 plates for reps, textbook perfect form)
  • One Arm Machine Rows X1


  • Bent Over Machine Rows For delts (side lateral types) X1
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Rows for delts (side lateral types) X1
  • Weighted Hyperextensions
  • Stiff legged deadlifts X11

Shoulders / Triceps

  • Smith Machine Military Press X111 (1,2,3 plates)
  • Seated Dumbbell Side Laterals X11
  • Cable Side Laterals X1
  • Shrugs X1

  • Long bar tri pulldowns X111
  • Nose breakers X1
  • One arm cable reverse curls X1

Afterwards he flexes his triceps showing his excellent detail and separation. Some screencaps are shown and then the end credits run.

Overall, the DVD was very well done - made in grainy black and white to highlight the intensity of the training shown. Few other bodybuilders have displayed the work ethic that Dorian has in training DVDs, although there are a few noteworthy, one of the most similar in terms of style would be that of Markus Ruhl as seen in his training video - Made in Germany.

This DVD is one of the most popular and in many ways has yet to be beat. It is also the only bodybuilding video Dorian produced. It is worth having as part of any bodybuilding video and DVD collection, and especially for any fan of Dorian Yates.



Aldéryck Riptor on January 19, 2012 at 12:50 PM said...
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