bodybuilging :: Mike Mentzer's HIT Exercise Video
Mike Mentzer's HIT Exercise Video (2007) DVDRip
bodybuilging :: English | 01-12-00 min | 496x368 | DivX 5.0 | MP3 48 kHz | 730.63 MB
bodybuilging :: English | 01-12-00 min | 496x368 | DivX 5.0 | MP3 48 kHz | 730.63 MB
CD :: 105 MB * 6 file + 100 MB * 1 file | rar
The Description:
Is high-intensive training from Mike Mentzer. The rate is broken into 3 parts: a breast, bicepses, a back, legs.
Mike Menttser was the body builder, the businessman, the author and the philosopher. It was born on November, 15th, 1951 in German small town near Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. In couple of years its family has moved on 60 miles to the west, to Euphrates. It was small farmer small town, in the same staff.
It is a little about спортсмене:Прозвище: Mr. Heavy Duty
Was born: on November, 15th, 1951
Has died: on June, 10th, 2001
The birthplace: Ephrаtа, Pennsylvania, the USA
Growth: 173см
Weight: 102кг
Once, when to Mike there were 11 years, in shop it has seen культуристический magazine and as he said has simply fallen in love with these sports. Стероиды has started to accept in the age of 19 years. In 1971 for the first time has acted at competitions on bodybuilging. It were competitions of Mr. America which passed in York, Pennsylvania. Then it has borrowed 10 place. In 1971 of Casey Ваятор has acquainted Mike with Arthur Johns. This meeting has cardinally changed its sight at trainings. In 1979 Mike has taken part in competition Mr. Olympia-79. It has won in a heavy category, but has lost easier Фрэнку Зейну in absolute offset. The following Olympia-80 should pass in Sydney in Australia. There Mike counted on a victory. Schwarzenegger has unexpectedly returned to that year. Per 1975 it in sixth time has won Olympia and has declared the leaving. Per 1980 it has arrived to Sydney before competitions, and anybody from participants did not suspect about such turn of events. But Schwarzenegger has won. It has won Olympia the seventh time. Many speak, that the result has been arranged and that Арнольд was not in such good form as in 1975. Ментцер then has taken only the fifth place. After that Mike has ceased to take part in competitions and has concentrated on trainer's work. It has written some books and set of clauses in which it was offered to look at bodybuilging on the other hand. Ментцер has developed new system which provided significant reduction of quantity and duration of trainings and allocated much more time for rest. Mike Menttser advised Дориана Ятса which has won Olympia six times, not looking at all that has started to train in the age of 20 years.
Mike Menttser has died on June, 10th, 2001. It has been found by brother Reem Menttserom in its apartment. The death has come as a result of heart attack. In two days Рэй also has died. It suffered from illness of kidneys and passed course of treatment. It is obvious, that the death of the brother became very strong impact for it.
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